My home town, Kanazawa

3 Feb

Today I will write down something about my hometown, Kanazawa city.

I was born in Kanazawa city, Ishikawa Prefecture.

It is historical and cultural city.

During the Edo Period, Kanazawa served as the seat of the Maeda Clan, the second most powerful feudal clan after the Tokugawa in terms of rice production and fief size. Accordingly, Kanazawa grew to become a town of great cultural achievements, rivaling Kyoto and Edo (Tokyo).

During World War Two, Kanazawa was Japan’s second largest city (after Kyoto) to escape destruction by air raids. Consequently, parts of the old castle town, such as the Nagamachi samurai district and chaya entertainment districts, have survived in pretty good condition.

Today, Kanazawa remains an important city in its region and serves as the capital of Ishikawa Prefecture. The city boasts many historical attractions such as restored residences and districts, as well as modern museums. But Kanazawa’s unchallenged main attraction is Kenrokuen, one of Japan’s “three best landscape gardens” and by many considered the most beautiful of them all.

 Look at this picture. It looked like a cloud was born from the Kanazawa castle with big energy and went up towards to the top of the sky!!

We took this picture just after our show which was held last September!!


今回はこの写真を見てください。すごいでしょ。兼六園のすぐ横にあるお城の屋根から竜巻状の雲が空に向かって伸びています。すごくエネルギーを感じませんか? 去年の9月に行われた孝藤流家元の記念公演の後に撮ったものです。

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